is an abstraction for the Identify API that exists on Image Services. It provides a chainable API for building request parameters and executing the request.
Constructor |
Description |
new L.esri.Tasks.IdentifyImage(<ImageService> endpoint , <Object> options )
L.esri.Tasks.identifyImage(<ImageService> endpoint , <Object> options )
new L.esri.Tasks.IdentifyImage(<String> endpoint , <Object> options )
L.esri.Tasks.identifyImage(<String> endpoint , <Object> options )
The endpoint parameter is the service that you want to identify either an ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online service. You can also pass the URL to a service directly as a string. See service URLs for more information on how to find these URLs. |
Method |
Returns |
Description |
at(<LatLng> latlng ) |
this |
Identifie the pixel value at a given LatLng |
between(<Date> from , <Date> to ) |
this |
Identifies pixel values within a given time range. |
getRenderingRule() |
Object |
Returns the current rendering rule of the task. |
setRenderingRule(<Object> renderingRule ) |
this |
Sets the rendering rule to apply when getting a pixel value. |
getMosaicRule() |
Object |
Returns the current mosaic rule of the task. |
setMosaicRule(<Object> mosaicRule ) |
this |
Sets the mosaic rule to apply when getting a pixel value. |
setPixelSize(<Array> pixelSize or <String> pixelSize ) |
this |
Sets the pixel size to use when getting a pixel value. Either an array ([x,y] ) or string ('x,y' ). If not set, it will use the pixel size defined by the service. |
getPixelSize() |
Object |
Returns the current pixel size of the task. |
returnCatalogItems(<Boolean> returnCatalogItems ) |
this |
Indicates whether or not to return raster catalog items. Set it to false when catalog items are not needed to improve the identify operation's performance significantly. When set to false , neither the geometry nor attributes of catalog items will be returned. Default is false . |
returnGeometry(<Boolean> returnGeometry ) |
this |
Return catalog footprints (geometry) with catalog item results. Default is false . |
token(<String> token ) |
this |
Adds a token to this request if the service requires authentication. Will be added automatically if used with a service. |
run(<Function> callback , <Object> context ) |
this |
Executes the identify request with the current parameters, identified pixel value will be passed to callback as a GeoJSON Point. Accepts an optional function context |
var map = L.map('map').setView([36.230577, -118.253147], 10);
.at([36.230577, -118.253147])
.run(function(error, identifyImageResponse, rawResponse){
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