
Quickly access Esri published map tiles from on ArcGIS Online in Leaflet.

Inherits from L.TileLayer


Constructor Description
new L.esri.Layers.BasemapLayer(<String> key, <Object> options)

L.esri.Layers.basemapLayer(<String> key, <Object> options)

new L.esri.BasemapLayer(<String> key, <Object> options)

L.esri.basemapLayer(<String> key, <Object> options)
key type of base map you want to add. The options parameter can accept the same options as L.TileLayer.

These maps have worldwide coverage at a variety of zoom levels.

  • Streets
  • Topographic
  • NationalGeographic
  • Oceans
  • Gray
  • DarkGray
  • Imagery
  • ShadedRelief
Optional Labels

These are optional layers that add extra text labels to the basemaps.

  • OceansLabels - Labels to pair with the Oceans basemap
  • GrayLabels - Labels to pair with the Gray basemap
  • DarkGrayLabels - Labels to pair with the DarkGray basemap
  • ImageryLabels - Labels and political boundaries to pair with the Imagery basemap
  • ImageryTransportation - A street map for pairing with the Imagery basemap=
  • ShadedReliefLabels - Labels for pairing with the ShadedRelief base map


L.esri.TiledMapLayer accepts all L.TileLayer options.


L.esri.BasemapLayer inherits all methods from L.TileLayer.


L.esri.TiledMapLayer fires all L.TileLayer events.


var map = L.map('map').setView([37.75,-122.45], 12);


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