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Intro to CSS for Geographers

Patrick Arlt | @patrickarlt

Origin Story

Lots of tools. Very little fundamentals.

This talk is all fundamentals

First Some Notes

Lots of supplimental info in these slides. Designed to help you keep learning beyond this talk.

CSS is Hard

Closer to art then computer science

Lots of hard, unintuitive concepts

It has taken me years to amass this knowlage

Lets do stuff with CSS!

Customize Esri Apps

Use Frameworks

Build Web Pages

Make Apps



html, body, #map {
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;


html, body, #map


html, body, #map {


html, body, #map {


html, body, #map {
  margin: 0;


html, body, #map {
  margin: 0;


html, body, #map {
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;


html, body, #map {
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;


html, body, #map {
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;


html, body, #map {
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

How CSS Works

Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets

Styles from different sources cascade and coalesce into the final styles for an HTML tag.

A typical cascade

  • Browser default stylesheet
  • User defined stylesheets
  • Stylesheets you include with <link>
  • <style> tag
  • Inline <style> attributes <div style="...">
  • CSS values with !important

CSS Specificity

  1. !important
  2. Inline style <div style="...">
  3. <style> and <link> tags
  4. Selector determine specificity

Selector Specificity

  1. id - #map
  2. class - .container
  3. tag - body

CSS Explain

In a specificity tie the last loaded rule wins.

Inspecting CSS

Right click on something you want to change click "Inspect Element"

Explore a storymap

Building our App

Our App

Block vs Inline



Problems with Floats

Clearing Floats


The Box Model

Box Sizing


Margin, Padding and Borders

Media Queries and Responsive Design


Typography (Choosing Fonts)

Typography (Sizing Type)

Adding Color

Adding JavaScript

Browser Compatibility

Sometime browsers will add experimental or early support for a new standard. They will often add a prefix like -webkit-, -moz- or -ms- to a property or value.

Sites like Can I Use? or MDN to check if browsers support a specific property.

Tools like Autoprefixer to add prefixes automatically.

More Browser Compatibility

Remember Microsoft only supports IE 11 offically now. All other versions are not supported and might have security bugs.


Keep Learning!