7 Problems with CSS at Scale
- Gobal namespace
- Dependencies
- Dead code elimination
- Minfication
- Sharing constants
- Non-deterministic resolution
- Isolation
From React: CSS in JS – NationJS
Problems with CSS at Scale
- Everything is a global
- No package mangers or modules
- Can't can't remove unused code
- Can't be minifed efficiently
- Can't share common values
- Specificity cold war
- Can't isolate styles from each other
More CSS Problems…
- Repetion
- Browsers
- Standards
Fixing CSS With Tooling
- Naming conventions
- Use JavaScript to write CSS
- Give CSS a modules system
- Pre/Post Processors
- Frameworks
Obligatory Quote:
There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
-Phil Karlton
Ways to name things in CSS…
Write CSS In JavaScript
- Everyone using React
The worst things about CSS are the "Cascading" and the "Sheets"
Jed Schmidt - At Brooklyn JS
Write inline styles with JavaScript
``` js
var divStyle = {
color: 'white',
fontSize: '2rem'
<div style={divStyle}>Hi!</div>,
``` html
<div style="color: white; font-size: 2rem;">Hello World!</div>
A Button with CSS Modules
``` css
/* button.css */
.normal { /* all styles for Normal */ }
.disabled { /* all styles for Disabled */ }
.error { /* all styles for Error */ }
.inProgress { /* all styles for In Progress */
``` js
/* button.js */
import styles from './button.css';
var button = document.getElementById('myButton');
``` html
<!-- In your HTML -->
<button id="myButton" class="button__normal__abc5436">
CSS Modules Are Awesome!
They solve a lot of our problems. But…
- Not a formal spec
- Extra processing tools
- Very early in development
Pre/Post Processing
Extend the CSS language. Sass, Less, Stylus and PostCSS. Compilers for CSS.
- Variables to share values
- Reusable functions
- Seperate files and imports
- Logic and operators
- Inheriance
Massive libraries of prebuilt CSS.
Practical CSS Tools
Pick the problems you want to solve, then use tools that solve those problems.
What I Want…
- Add structure and logic
- Reuse and share code
- Help with the global namespace problem
- Allow me to organize code
- Bundle code for browsers
- Fix browser inconsistancy
A Practical CSS Toolkit
- Pick a framework
- Pick some naming conventions
- Preprocess with Sass
- Postprocess with PostCSS
- Bask in glory
Adds programming language features to CSS.
Apply transformations to CSS with JavaScript plugins.
Automagically prefix CSS code!
No more -webkit-
, -moz-
, -ms-